Friday, October 1, 2010


Another quick sketch
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Deadpool sketch

Quick sketch of Deadpool while I wait on a render
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.1

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Christmas Card

This is a still from a short Christmas E-Card I done, I love the Christmasy feeling I get when I look at it, ahhhh. Check out the animation at

Hardcore Techno

I done this Illustration in photoshop to represent the crazy harsh contrasts of hardcore techno or maybe I was just messing about...

Pencil Backgrounds

Heres some of backgrounds I drew up, the grey one is concept of the Garden of Eden for my Creation Project and the 2 blue ones were for a pirate story that never took off.

Character Designs

Heres some character designs for a short film I'm producing called Creation, its Adam and Eve and the fat cool guy is God.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dotzy->, Do you wanna get stabbed?

My new cartoon, 'Dotzy' coming soon, Check him out on his facebook page,

Become a fan and follow the run up to the unleashing of Dotzy!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Celtic Warrior Lava mess

Just messed about with the Celtic horse warrior in photoshop. Thought I'd have him going past some lava or something. Not what the painting will look like, thats going to have a lot of blue in it.

Cleand Up Horse

I cleaned up my horse warrior with a pitt marker, next stage transfering it onto a canvas and getting the bg done.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Celtic Warrior

Heres the sketches of my latest venture, its going to be an A2 painting with acrylics and pitt markers. The idea is of a celtic warrior riding his horse while the wind and rain lash at his back. still early stages yet but I like how its coming along.

Old Skool

Heres some of my drawings from way back in '89 at the tender age of 8! I dont know if you can see whats wrote on the taps in the bar buts it says, Beer, Lager, Whiskey and Vodka - "one pint of vodka, 2 pints of whiskey please and a lager for the lady" - man those cowboys were hardcore! plus all the buckets of ice! it was very hard to get ice in the wild west it had to be shipped from the artic but still these cowboys persevered. I used to draw on the back of cereal boxes and this is what rice crispies and cornflakes boxes looked like back then! Willow, what a movie!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I came up with this big head style of characters and used it to do a load of Marvel and DC characters that I was going to use for animation but I dont have the time for that so I'm going to use them to create a load of illustrations and hopefully use them all to create a huge Marvel group picture, heres the first - Ghostrider.

Buzz Head

While Im still learning modelling I had to make this Buzz lightyear head and keep it really low poly, He looks a little crazy but the client was happy and it was great practice!


2DA is the little ninja guy I use in my logo, hes been 2D for a long time so since I now now 3D I decided to upgrade him! He's stuck in his modelling pose but I'm learning rigging now so soon he will hopefully be moving about!

3D Stuff

So Im learning 3D at the moment so I thought I'd upload my progress! Heres my first attempt (following a tutorial) not to shabby huh!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rorshach sketch

Just another quick drawing to keep the 3D blues away! This time the toughest hero of all time Rorshach from the Watchmen.

All Ive been doin in work is 3D, 3D and more 3D!!! So last night when I got home I whiped out the A2 sketchbook and my Pitt markers and started to draw Deadpool, but he somehow changed into Hellboy! It was great to draw for an hour or two, must keep it up!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


My girlfriend wanted a picture for ages so I told her I'd do one for valentines and since she didn't want a full nude portait of me I decided to paint Tinkerbell for her!
I painted it on a A2 canvas so its pretty big and Tink is a pain in the ass to draw and I only had one week to get it done but I like it and so did she!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Marvel Murial

Heres my nephews room that I'm painting with marvel characters. Its a labour of love and taking quite a while but its looking pretty class. Heres some picures of it as I go. Again its shot on my phone so there not great quality but will put some good ones of the finished thing up soon, if I ever get it finished!